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All Wilderness First Aid certifcations are valid for two years. Recertification courses are available.

Courses at a glimpse:


Wilderness First Aid (ESCI)

   -Basic 8 Hour

   -Standard 16 Hour

   -Advanced 32 Hour

Backcountry Emergency Medical Training provides training in First Aid, Wilderness First, Sports Injury First Aid, Babysitter Firts & CPR, AED, BBP.


"ECSI courses are offered in association with The American Acadamy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) and American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), two of the most renowed medical organizations in the world. These organizations provide medical instructions to ECSI and stand behind the content of our training materials and the operation of organization." (From the ECSI website)









ECSI is approved by the Wilderness Medical Society, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons & The American College of Emergency Physicians.

Who can be Certified?


Wilderness First Aid 8&16 HR.

    -Min. of 14 years old


Wilderness First Aid 32 HR

    -Min. of 16 years old.


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